Student Pilots & Training
TIP: Use the appropriate Rogers Data VFR ICAO chart from the beginning of your training (we recommend the scale 1:500,000), because you will need it at the latest for your exam! Since version 21.2. of the PPL database (ECQB PPL questionnaire), only the charts sections from our Rogers Data VFR ICAO charts on a a scale of 1:500.000 are used.
You will also need a navigation protractor triangle and a navigation compass 500 as part of your training for good flight preparation. With this navigation protractor triangle you can easily measure distance in NM and courses in charts. Measuring scale 16cm, with 0-point in the middle (8-0-8) and nautical miles are shown within a scale of 1:500.000 and 1:200.000. Cirle template 10mm for left and right handers. It is the avsolute favorite for pilots due to its easy route planning and high usanility! The Rogers Data navigation compass facilitates the solution of path-time measurement and is easy to use. With the RDtech® pen-set und RDtech® spray you round off your flight preparation perfectly! The Rogers Data charts can be written on with an optimized permanent RDtech® pen set. The marked flight paths and markings can be removed afterwards with a RDtech® spray or RDtech® cleaning wipes without leaving any residue.
To store everything well, buy the matching pilot bag. We have different designs and sizes.
Student Pilot Starter-Set
- Current Rogers Data VFR ICAO Chart*
- Protractor Triangle and Navigation Compass
- Cover for Rogers Data Navigation Compass
- RDtech® Pens, Spray and Cleaning Tissues
- Pilot-Bag / Backpack
* we recommend the scale 1:500.000 – the Rogers Data charts on a scale of 1:500.000 are used in the examination!
VFR Charts & Content
VFR Aeronautical Charts
Always use current and suitable charts. VFR aeronautical charts have to cover the current airspace structure, frequencies and procedures, the route of the planned flight and any route which it is reasonable to expect that the flight may be diverted to.
There is no rule, regulation or law that requests that only certain certified charts or charts from specific suppliers have to be used. The opinion that only goverment issued VFR charts or charts issued by a certain authority may be used for flying, is not written down in the law. Furthermore, there is no rule regarding the form in which the latest chart material has to be present. The term „aeronautical chart“ refers to all sorts of maps used for air navigation provided that they include at least some of the following information: topographic features, hazards and obstructions, navigation routes and aids, airspace, and airports.
Rogers Data VFR aeronautical charts – ICAO charts are conform to these requirements and contain information that is important for flying. On one hand Rogers Data VFR charts meet the requirements of ICAO Annex 4 and European Commission Regulations and on the other hand meet the expectations of VFR pilots. We are able to combine the requirements and expectations of VFR pilots for VFR aeronautical charts and provide highly sophisticated and optimized products.
Rogers Data chart contents
Rogers Data VFR aeronautical charts – ICAO charts have a very detailed representation of ATS airspace structures. We use a high-quality topographic map with shading and relief. This creates a dynamic 3D impression. The charts include TMZ transponder mandatory zones, RMZ radio mandatory zones, airports, aerodromes and heliports with additional information, compulsory reporting points, reporting points on request, significant points (border crossing), Radio Navigation Aids with name, frequency and morse code.
Danger-, restricted- and prohibited areas, obstacles or group of obstacles and aerial sporting and recreational activities and areas with sensitive fauna. All Rogers Data VFR aeronautical charts are based on the latest aeronautical information from AIP and their supplements of CAA. They are based on the relevant regulations of ICAO Annex 4 and EU-Regulations.
Display of airspace structure
Rogers Data VFR aeronautical charts provide an optimal readable display of airspaces and, due to the selected display, allow the recognition of overlapping airspace boundaries. In each airspace box the airspace limits are
clearly marked (listed). This makes it possible to quickly capture and understand even complex airspace structures, such as those found around high-density airfields and airports.
Labelling of airspace structure
On the Rogers Data aeronautical charts, airspaces without mandatory clearance are shown in the font-colour BLUE and airspaces subject to mandatory clearance in the font-colour RED. In each airspace box resulting from the airspace structure, the information on the airspace structure is shown in ascending order from the ground to flight level FL 125. CTRs (control zones), RMZs (radio mandatory zones) and airspace restrictions are shown in
red. The airspace with it`s structure is shown in blue and nature reserves with flight restrictions are shown in green.

Flight Preparation
For flight preparation and planning, you always need a current and suitable VFR aeronautical chart.

Path-Time Measurements
Navigation compass or protractor triangle makes it easier for you to solve path-time measurements.

From pilots for pilots
Rogers Data flight preparation tools are designed by or in collaboration with professional pilots.
Border Crossing
Picture: Border Crossing Point “ARNOS”, Compulsory Reporting Point “BORDER (PPNE1)”
National parks und nature reserves
Picture: National park “Biosphärenpark Nockberge” in Carinthia
Aerial sporting and recreational activities
Picture: Aerial sporting and recreational area “Schladming” including the RC model flying area in “Gebiet Haus im Ennstal”
VFR Sectors
Picture: „SECTOR NORTH“ at the airport LOWL/Linz-Hörsching
TRA - Temporary reserved airspace
Picture: TRA „Wels 1″
model flying
Picture: model flying (RC) Area Vöcklabruck
Military exercise and training areas
Picture: Military exercise and training areas
CTR control zones
Picture: CTR Linz “D” GND – 2500
Terrain and topographic background map
Display of airspace structure
clearly marked (listed). This makes it possible to quickly capture and understand even complex airspace structures, such as those found around high-density airfields and airports.
Aids for theoretical exam?
What aids are permitted for the theoretical exam?
Electronic aids are not permitted in theory examinations according to EASA.
This is formally stated in AMC ARA.FCL.300:
(g) Applicants may use the following equipment during an examination:
(1) a scientific, non-programmable, non-alphanumeric calculator without specific aviation functions;
(2) mechanical navigation slide-rule (DR calculator);
We therefore recommend using the Rogers Data Protractor Triangle and / or the Rogers Data Navigation Compass. These two tools allow you to easily solve navigational path-time tasks and meet the requirements for use in EASA / ICAO written examinations.

Protractor triangle & Navigation compass
Navigation Compass
The Rogers Data Navigation Compasses 200, 250 oder 500 combine sectional plotter, time-speed-distance computer, ruler and navigation compass template in a single device. The Rogers Data navigation compasses facilitate the solution of path-time measurement for charts on the scale of 1:200.000, 1:250.000 or 1:500.000. Make sure that the navigation circle matches the scale of the VFR chart!
Protractor Triangle EASA / ICAO
With this professional and high-quality protractor triangle you can easily measure distance in NM and courses in charts. Measuring scale 16cm, with 0-point in the middle (8-0-8) and nautical miles are shown within a scale of 1:500.000 and 1:200.000. Cirle template 10mm for left and right handers. It is the avsolute favorite for pilots and skippers due to its easy route planning and high usanility! This protractor triangle meets the requirements for the use in EASA / ICAO written examinations.
PPL Database of Aircademy
For the examination we recommend using the most common map scale 1:500.000 and the appropriate navigation compass 500 or navigation triangle.
ECQB PPL Questionnaire
ECQB PPL Question database of Aircademy
With version 21.2. with 01st of October 2021, the ICAO charts from Rogers Data will be used in the subjects Flight Planning and Navigation. Since our VFR charts have a uniform chart image and content throughout Europe, they are ideally suited for the ECQB PPL questionnaire of the Aircademy.
The following aviation authorities currently use the ECQB-PPL database and Rogers Data VFR chart extracts: Austria, Germany (Berlin-Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen), Hungary, Belgium, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Czechia.

National parks und nature reserves
Back-Up System
Back-Up gem. ICAO Annex 4
As a pilot you should familiarize yourself with the available charts and decide according to your needs and preferences. Despite the increasing popularity of electronic charts, it is only wise to keep backup systems ready to have them available in case you need them. In addition, using multiple systems for navigation allows a pilot to use each system to it`s advantage
The paper chart is indispensable for theoretical pilot training. But also for the future a paper VFR aeronautical chart is still a proven system for flight preparation, flight route selection and provides an overview due to its size. ICAO Annex 4 regulates that a suitable back-up system may include the carriage of paper charts. By taking the Rogers Data VFR aeronautical charts – ICAO charts in paper version with you, you are conform with the regulations for a back-up system.
20.6 Back-up arrangements to Annex 4 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
To ensure safe navigation in case of a failure of the Electronic Aeronautical Chart Display — ICAO, the provision of adequate back-up arrangements shall include:
a) facilities enabling a safe takeover of display functions in order to ensure that a failure does not result in a critical situation; and
b) a back-up arrangement facilitating the means for safe navigation of the remaining part of the flight.
Note.— A suitable back-up system may include the carriage of paper charts.
A major advantage of Rogers Data VFR aeronautical charts – ICAO charts is the fact that they are available in digital versions and print versions. You can see the same chart image on the screen and on the printed map that you are holding in your hand.

Useful Tutorials
Pilot & Crew Accessories
Sport- and/or Travel bags
Everything you need for flying fits in the Rogers Data sports and/or travel bags in aviation design. Discover how compact, light and spacious our Aviation bags are.
Beach towels
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